
Not a chance this is chance

Belonging overwhelms my soul

As it gazes helplessly into your eyes

Rights realized have never been so right

Your spirit tickles my heart

While your passion consumes it

And I fold into your devotion

When you shine God’s light

Brazen man

Lodestone to my iron clad

You undress my layers

And lick my wounds with your lion’s tongue

Then gently you engulf me

In the depths of your poet’s bosom

And I am lost in the gentle nature

Of your cloud on which I’m hung

You are the unexpected gift

Born out of darkness and confusion

Emerging as my shadowed destiny

Awaiting only Yahweh’s spark

Sweet tinder thus ignited

Enflamed by awkward circumstance

Yet drawing ever closer

Within this journey we embark

Before, I looked and couldn’t see

And now I dare not look away

Your face – the etching on the cover

Of our love story untold

Evolving ever in His mercies

We share the treasure of the Light

And the Grace that now unites us

As our history unfolds

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