The Making of Yes

“Because I said so” began the fall of “no”
… choking me back down my throat
Contemplating mind wasn’t part of the scope

“Do as told,” “Speak when spoken to,”
“Follow this list of don’ts and do’s”…
fashioned my feet for someone else’s shoes

“Never shine too bright when here you roam”
“Save your perfection for those at home”
The frayed ghetto womb is where I’m from

“Good isn’t bad, but it’s never enough”
“Be more than you are, accepting and tough”
Love isn’t free… it comes with these cuffs

“Set the example,” “Failure’s not an option”
Every part of me sold at authority’s auction
before sense of self could begin construction

Always falling short of unconditional affection
“In the eyes of others” … my self-destruction
Heart on a platter for the world’s consumption

Departed the nest with a pleaser complex,
traversing society with a “YES” on my chest;
bringing everyone joy with my soul in distress

Burned both ends to offer more than my best
Lost control in self-inflicted duress
Lived for others, now let the spirit confess…

Sometimes saying “no” is a self-love test.


Challenge for Growth Prompt #4: Think Before Saying Yes or No


8 thoughts on “The Making of Yes

  1. Pingback: Challenge for Growth Prompt #5: I Am Love | Living, Learning and Letting Go

  2. Pingback: Challenge for Growth Prompts: First Month’s Summary | Living, Learning and Letting Go

  3. Pingback: Challenge for Growth Prompt #4: Think Before Saying Yes or No | Living, Learning and Letting Go

  4. I experienced so many of those same phrases and attitudes as I grew up. You have described the process of how we lose ourselves so well. And I love your statement at the end. Thanks so much for your contribution to the challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

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